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Small Business Stories from New York Times:
Big Tech’s A.I. Takeover and the Slow Death of Silicon Valley Innovation
6/13/2024 4:36 PM
The leading companies are co-opting Silicon Valley’s traditional cycle of disruption...Read More
Montana Has More Cows Than People. Why Are Locals Eating Beef From Brazil?
6/13/2024 10:01 AM
Cole Mannix, of Old Salt Co-op, is trying to change local appetites and upend an industry controlled by multibillion-dollar meatpackers...Read More
Inside High Valley Books, the Fashion Bookstore in a Brooklyn Apartment
6/12/2024 2:43 PM
Bill Hall, the proprietor, has assembled a vast collection of hard-to-find fashion books and magazines coveted by designers and influencers...Read More
He Began With Sauce. Here’s Why This Brisket Sandwich Goes for $13.50.
6/11/2024 2:00 AM
Who has not dreamed of turning a side hustle into a full-time gig? Luis Rivera Jr., who sells barbecue on the weekends in the Bronx from his food truck, is trying...Read More
Book Review: ‘Triumph of the Yuppies,’ by Tom McGrath
6/2/2024 4:00 AM
In “Triumph of the Yuppies,” Tom McGrath revels in the stories of a generation that turned its back on protest and bought into consumer culture...Read More

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